1 Cancel the engagement to a training as soon as possible.
Training exercises are made from the expectation of a certain number of players. If they are not present, the exercises must be altered.
2 Cancel the engagement to a game as soon as possible.
It is very unpleasant for the team to be informed just before the game that players are missing.
3 Be dressed and ready for training on time.
It is annoying for both coach and players, if the dispositions must be altered because players are late. Make a phone call if you are unable to be on time.
4 Be attentive
It takes twice the time to explain the exercises, it they must be repeated, because some players just have to talk about other things. Those, who have listen gets bored because the instructions must be repeated. If you are on the bench during a game then use the time to study the game and decide what you will do when you are on the court again.
5 Be energetic
A weary attitude reflects on the team. An energetic attitude also reflects on the team. You will improve, if you you always try to improve yourselves.
6 Help your team-mates in their exercises.
Being a defender in an attack-exercise is not the most exiting thing to do, but it helps the attacker to improve, if the defense is active. If you are a weary defender, you train your team-mates to pass a weary defense. If you are active, you train your team-mates to pass an active defense.
7 Join the training even when you are injured.
You are able to lean things from the bench if you see and hear what your team-mates are practicing. Then you know what have been trained, when you returns.
8 Support your team-mates.
To be good you have to trust yourselves. All make errors and all are not equally skilled. If a player is informed all the time, at the things she does are not good enough, she will loose faith on her selves, become insecure and then all goes wrong.  Encouraging words to a team-mate is better that a resigning attitude and eternal criticizing.
9 Get to know your team-mates.
When you know what every single player in your team can do, you are more able to splay together with her and use her abilities to the advance of both.
10 Use every practice game to test new and old things. Use the practice games to train and not to win.
Practice-games are use to test new and old things to find out whether it works or not and which things should be improved. It is not a good idea to use such games to do what you are skilled to do, but use them to practice what you are not  skilled to do.

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