Are you Ulrich Wilbeck from Denmark or John Doe from the high mountains? Both can be coaches however not in the same way..

Many clubs will receive John, who could be a parent to one of the Mini-boys, with tears in their eyes, if he offered his help to train those boys. And hurray for this. If there were no one like John, many clubs would have a problem getting coaches. Many of those will become be a steady member of the club, because they realize, that it is exciting and interesting to work with the youth, and who knows - maybe they will replace the coach for the National team in time. I myself started as an interested parent and must admit, that nothing beats the joy to see a team develop and one day standing, shouting with joy, as winners of a tournament.

To be a coach is many things. Here are some of the things which are worth thinking about, if you are a coach for a team.

There are many courses in Handball and I can only recommend these. You can learn a lot by reading, but you gain the best return, if you have a skilled instructor, who can explain the different things, a coach must do and be aware of.
