When you start with a new youth team it is a good idea already at the beginning to bring in the parents. There is a very large amount of resource hidden among the parents and if they can be engaged from the very beginning , the life as a trainer will be much easier.

Therefore it is important, that when you take over a team to arrange a meeting with the parents that can include the players and during that meeting you can present yourself to them, but most important - they get the opportunity to meet you.

Habitually the parents are put aside regarding their children's life in the handball club already at the first parent meeting, because the fact that the importance of their opinions and attitudes has not been taken into consideration. As a rule a traditional parent meeting is an orientation and not a dialog about the coming season. The trainer tells what he wants and the parents are brought forward then transport to the games is necessary.

If you want to give the parents influence and set the session to a positive parent cooperation you could try an agenda like this:

1 Welcome and presentation
In order to promote the co-operation the club feels that it is important that we know as much as possible about each other. We shall therefore use some time in the presentation. Of course none have to tell more than they want, but the club would like to know a little about:
 - How much do you know about handball
 - Is there other sports and leisure interests
 - How is your situation regarding for example to help with smaller assignments.
2 A talk about:
How much time do you mean is fair your child uses in handball? Does it have any effect how many arrangements we enter? Does the training time fit? How much money can be used to participate in an arrangement? Shall the players bring along pocket money in such arrangements? Shall we participate in longer excursions or should we concentrate the excursions in the local area? Do you have any good ideas how you,  the players and we can collect money to an eventual excursion?
3 A talk about:
How should we put a team together? Shall we make a 1st, 2nd. and 3rd team or shall me make 3 equally strong teams? How do we avoid "loosers" when putting the teams together? How are we able to help each other in training and in tournaments, so the children become as social as possible?
4. Any other business