Castle play 1

  Alternative 2
A buck is placed in a circle with a radius of about 4-5 meter.
On top of the buck is placed a medicine ball.
The team is divided into 2, and the defending team is placed along the circle.
The attacking team must play together to break through and try to shoot the medicine ball down.
The defenders must tackle and block against shots and breaking through.
The following rules apply:
Normal team handball rules (steps, dribble, time)
The medicine ball must be shot down to count point. If the buck is hit so hard, that the ball rolls down, it counts as point.
If the defending team get possession of the ball, party ball is played until the attacking team again gets possession of the ball.
Fouls are punished with a penalty throw from the circle.
The playing time is 2 x 5 minutes or 2 x 10 minutes.
Attackers become defenders and visa versa after the first period.
