6 - 0 defense

The 6-0 defense is surely considers as the simplest form of defense for new beginners. All the players are standing just outside the goal line and the principle is, that no one is allowed to run behind the defending players. The most outside player covers the most outside attacker (counts 1). The 2nd outside player covers the 2nd outside attacker (counts 2) and the 2 center players cover the 2 attacking center players (counts 3 and pivot. If the attacking pivot moves away from the center and outwards, the defender of the pivot follows up to the next defending player, who then takes over the pivot and the former cover of the pivot covers the new defender of the pivots former player. It is important that all the defending players inform loud and clearly whom they are covering loud and clear. .

The form of defense and be offensive or defensive. If the opponents are primary breaking through players, the defense must stand flat and prevent breaking through with sliding movements and backing up. If the opponents are primary long-shooters, the defender must move forward and block/tackle as soon as possible. The player, who moves forward to block/tackle must not be hanging out in the field, but must slide diagonally backward in the direction of which the ball was passed in order to support her team-mate, who is moving forward to block the next attacker.

The greatest danger occurs when a defender moves forward to block or tackle. The player could be overrun by a feint and then the team-mates next to her must be able to back up. A very used move against 6-0 defense is a cross and a screening followed by a long shot. In such case the 2 backs must be very skilled in stopping the attackers running in to screening and cross

It is possible to perform an offensive press in a 6-0 defense.

If the attacking wing has the ball, a pressure can be put on the closest back and playmaker. If the attacking wing stands deep, the pressure is made by the opposite defending back on the attacking playmaker and the defending center puts a pressure on the back closest to the ball. If the attacking wing stands high, the center player puts a pressure in the area between back and playmaker

If the attacking back has the ball the attacking wing can be shielded by the defense wing and the opposite defending back puts a pressure on playmaker while still shielding her own attacking back.

If the playmaker has the ball both defending backs can cover on the inside of their attacking backs. However care should be taken that the wings do not starts running in and the pivot is well covered.

The advantage of the system:

1. The goal circle is covered and the attacking pivot do not have much space to work in.

2. It is easy to follow the attackers movements, as the view is not covered by own team-mates.

3. It is difficult for the attackers to put the defense out of the game with screenings.

4. It is easy to back up the team-mates.

The disadvantages of the system:

If the defense is not moving forward, the long shooters are free to shoot.
