Arm blocking

A Straight in front (single blocking).
The goalkeeper stands ready with the knees slightly bend about 1 meter in front of the goal line.
The arms are also slightly bent and the hands are in shoulder height (this may vary dependent of the goalkeeper's style.
The coach or players now shoots to the left and right in turns.
The shots must be placed over the height of the hip and the shots must be blocked with one arm or hand.
The goalkeeper must learn to flex in the arm or the hand or sweep the ball over the goal
The ball must be put "dead", i.e. it must not jump out on the court, but must be brought down to the floor.
B Double blocking
Made as the above mentioned exercise, but this time the shots are placed around the head of the goalkeeper, who blocks with both arms/hands.
The ball must not be caught.

The A-exercise can also be performed with very hard shots.
Then the goalkeeper must push her arms forward against the ball in order that the force from the ball does not push her arms backwards and be the cause of injuries in the joints.

