Finnish ball game (Round ball without bat)

The court can be made by 5 cones, which are placed forming a U.
The size of the court about 15 x 20 m.
The home-team throws a ball into the court.
This ball must hit the floor before it is allowed to leave the court.
If it doesn't, the throw is invalid and no points can be scored.
The same goes if the team in the court catches the ball before it hits the floor.
When a throw is made, the thrower runs from cone to cone and scores 1 point each time a cone is reached.
Several rounds are allowed.
When the ball is returned to the home team the scoring stops and the thrower goes behind the line
The team in the court must catch the ball as quickly as possible and return it to a teammate, who is placed with the home-team.
Rules for the return can be applied:
1. The ball must be passed to all players in the court before returned to home base.
2. The ball must be passed between the legs to all or for example at least 5 players before it is returned to home base.
3. The ball must be passed to all or for example at least 5 players with 'the wrong hand'

It can be an advantage if the team in the court quickly make a straight line when the ball is sent back.

When all players in the home team has thrown 2-3 times they switch.
