Goal keeper exercises 1

1 player without a ball

1 Sideway jumps over a cone (which is lying or standing in accordance with the goalkeeper's ability to jump). The hands are held in ready position all the time.
2 Forward/Backward jumps over a cone (which is lying or standing in accordance with the goalkeeper's ability to jump). The hands are held in ready position all the time.
3 Standing on a box or edge with a height of about 20 cm. A high forward jump is performed and one leg is lifted high as a leg block. The arms are led against the lifted leg in order to close that side. Remember to practice with the other leg also.
4 Standing on a box or edge with a height of about 20 cm. Jump down and then a free high jump while making a X-blocking (try to reach the toes with the finger tips)
5 Standing on a box or edge with a height of about 20 cm. Jump down and then over a jump bar, another jump bar and at last a free high jump while making a X-blocking (try to reach the toes with the finger tips)
6 Stand up - lie down on the belly - stand up - lie down on the back - stand up - lie down on one side and so on
7 Fast asymmetric movements with both hands - both movements in circles - up and down movements - reaching out and so on. It must be avoided that both hands do the same movements synchronous but instead one hand for a while performs circle movements while the other performs up and down movements.
8 The same exercise as before but now with a half filled plastic bottle in each hand. Each bottle with ½ litre or 1 litre in accordance with the goal keepers strength. The half filled bottle forces the goal keeper to use more strength to control it.
9 The goalkeeper stands on one foot on a bench or a box (it is an advantage if somebody holds it firm to the floor). The goalkeeper jumps sideways down, lands on the other foot and jumps back up.

Shake the leg - snap kick
It can be difficult to teach a goalkeeper the correct fast movement of the leg when a shot is placed close to the feet. The following tip is received from Susanne Munk - Goalkeeper Danish Olympic Woman Team:
Zip up the trouser leg so that it hangs loose at the ankle. Then the trouser leg is folded up 2-3 times. The goal keeper must now with a snapping movement (fast kick) try to -"throw" the trouser leg down again.


1 player with a ball

1 Throw the ball up into the air and clap in the hands as many times as possible before the ball is caught again.
2 Throw a ball up into the air - squat and up again and catch the ball
The exercise can be made more difficult if the goalkeeper must sit down - must be on her belly - on her back and then stand up again to catch the ball.
3 Throw a ball up into the air - touch the floor with one hand and catch the ball again. Next time the other hand touches the floor.
4 Throw a ball up into the air - turn 360 degrees and catch it again. Shift by turning left and right.
5 The ball is held in both hands with the body bend over. The ball is now tipped a little bit upward and backward - the arms are put behind the legs and the ball is caught with both hands. The ball is again tipped a little bit upward and forward - the arms are moved in front and the ball is caught again.
6 The ball is held between the legs with right hand in front and left hand behind the legs. The ball is now tipped a little bit upward – right hand is moved behind the legs and left hand in front and the ball is caught. Again the ball is tipped and the arms change place.
7 The ball is held in front of the body with both hands. The ball is thrown up into the air, both hands are moved behind the body making a clap in the hands. Then the arms are moved forward again and the ball is caught.
8 Throw a ball up into the air - jump and catch the ball with both hands when the body is at the top of the jump.
9 Throw the ball straight up into the air and catch it again as close to the floor as possible.
10 Throw a ball straight up into the air - make 3 fast side steps to one side and then back again - catch the ball with both hands. Then do the same to the other side.
11 The ball is thrown into the air and a little bit forward. Then a forward roll is performed and the ball is caught again while the player is on he's way to a standing position.

