Ordinary catching - throwing

For many players a rather boring exercise (just ask the players!)
But still - even the best national teams practice this, so I have included these exercises.

The players are throwing the ball to each other with ordinary throws, bounce passes, 2-hand push passes, jump pass, behind-the-back-throws, side passes, by making a throw to the side or any other passes.

The exercises can be executed standing for inexperienced players or with 3-step back and forth (piston) movement by experienced players

The distance between the players can be from 1/2 meter (fast 2-hand throws) up to throws from sideline to sideline

The catching/throwing exercises can be used also for ball control and warming up, for example when a player catches the ball one of following exercises must be performed before the ball is returned:
(remember both ways)
1:   Carried round behind the back
2:   Carried under thigh of the lifted leg
3:   Bounced under the leg, which has been lifted straight forward
4:   Bounce behind the back
5:   Throw over the shoulder from behind and catch the ball in front
6:   Step one step forward and bounce the ball through the legs from behind
7:   Throw over the shoulder and catch again behind the back
8:   The ball is spun forward in such a way that it returns
9:   The ball is dribbled and caught again with one hand (palm facing down)
10: The ball is held downwards with one hand, then it is flicked upwards and round the back of the hand and caught again
Plus many more...
